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Cloud Cost Optimization for an E-Commerce Platform

Client Background

Our client, an e-commerce platform, is revolutionizing the hearing care industry by offering the first-ever digitalized hearing care platform. With a mission to break the stigma surrounding hearing loss, they aim to leverage advanced resources and technologies to ensure seamless continuity of hearing care services. To optimize their cloud-native production environment, enhance scalability, and reduce operational costs, they connected with us to conduct a comprehensive assessment and provide recommendations.


  1. Increased Operational Costs: According to a report by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), organizations can save up to 30% on cloud costs by optimizing their Kubernetes cluster configurations. Inefficient cluster configuration can cause resource wastage, as pods may be scheduled inefficiently, leading to underutilization of available resources.

  2. Degraded Application Performance: A study revealed that 78% of organizations experienced performance issues due to inefficient resource allocation, leading to potential revenue losses and customer dissatisfaction.

  3. Scalability Limitations: Inefficient Kubernetes cluster configuration can hinder an application's ability to scale effectively, as resources may not be allocated optimally during peak loads.

  4. Reduced Reliability and Availability: Non-optimal resource deployment and inefficient Kubernetes configurations can increase the risk of resource exhaustion, leading to application downtime or failures. Overallocated database instances may experience performance degradation or crashes, impacting the availability of critical data services.

  5. Compliance and Security Risks: Overprovisioned resources may inadvertently expose sensitive data or introduce security vulnerabilities, increasing the risk of data breaches or non-compliance with regulations. Inefficient Kubernetes configurations can lead to misconfigurations or security gaps, potentially exposing applications to cyber threats.

Our client faced several challenges in its existing infrastructure, including non-optimal resource deployment, overallocated database instances, and inefficient Kubernetes cluster configuration. These issues not only resulted in increased operational costs but also impacted application performance, potentially affecting user experience and limiting the platform's growth potential.

Cloud Architecture

The Solution

We proposed a range of solutions to address their challenges:

Resource Relocation

We recommended migrating resources to the Southeast region, preferably in, India. This would reduce latency, network costs, and data transfer expenses, improving performance for India-based user base.

DB Instance Optimization

By right-sizing the DB instance, our client could reduce costs and improve performance. We suggested reducing the instance size by 50% initially and then optimizing further based on performance and database utilization.

Kubernetes Adoption

We advised using GKE Autopilot with standard CPUs instead of running containers on virtual machines. This would provide benefits such as automatic scaling, load balancing, and efficient container management, resulting in cost savings and improved application performance.

Implementing Ingress Controller

By implementing an Ingress controller in Kubernetes, they could manage traffic routing rules effectively and reduce costs associated with using a load balancer for each service.

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)

We suggested implementing IaC to enable swift and reliable environment changes, enhancing efficiency and reducing manual errors.

Application Code Tuning

By using profiling tools such as Pyroscope, they could identify performance bottlenecks and optimize their code, leading to improved efficiency and responsiveness reducing the amount of resources required.

Committed Use Discounts (CUDs)

By committing to a certain level of usage or spending, our client was able to take advantage of substantial discounts on GCP services, reducing costs without compromising on resources.

CDN Data Transfer Optimization

To reduce cloud storage costs, we recommended using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to reduce latency, costs, and load on backend servers, making it easier to scale to a larger user base.

Alerting Mechanisms

Implementing alerting processes would enable them to proactively monitor and respond to performance issues, improving operational efficiency and reducing costs associated with unresolved issues.

Dynamic Scaling

We suggested scaling down resources during off-peak hours to save costs. By adjusting resource allocation based on demand, they could optimize its GKE cluster utilization and reduce unnecessary expenses.


By adopting our recommendations, our client underwent a comprehensive transformation of its cloud infrastructure, aligning it with cloud-native best practices and enhancing its overall operational efficiency. The optimized resource deployment, improved database performance, efficient Kubernetes configuration, and streamlined operations contributed to a more cost-effective and high-performing production environment.

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  • Significant Cost Savings
  • Streamlined Operational Efficiency
  • Superior User Experiences

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