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DevSecOps Consulting Services

Unlock your DevOps potential and embrace the Cloud Native Journey

DevSecOps Consulting by CloudRaft

Trusted by leading organizations


What We Do?

Our services are designed to help you streamline your processes, automate your workflows, and achieve faster time-to-market while maintaining a high level of security and reliability.

DevOps Strategy and Roadmap

We help you define a roadmap for implementing DevOps practices, aligning your processes with industry best practices, and ensuring a smooth transition.

  • Assessment and Analysis: Evaluating current practices and identifying improvement areas.
  • Customized Roadmap: Crafting a strategic plan tailored to your specific needs.
  • Implementation Support: Guiding you through each step of the roadmap to ensure successful adoption.

strategy and roadmap

CI/CD Implementation

We will assist you in setting up CI/CD pipelines, automating build, testing, and deployment processes, and ensuring a seamless flow of changes from development to production. Our services include:

  • Pipeline Design: Creating efficient CI/CD pipelines that suit your development workflow.
  • Tool Integration: Integrating industry-standard tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, and Circle CI.
  • Git Ops implementation: We specialize in implementing advanced Argo CD rollout strategies like canary and blue-green deployments.

strategy and roadmap

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

CloudRaft team helps implement IaC solutions using tools like Terraform, Ansible, etc ensuring your infrastructure is versioned, testable, and easily maintainable. Our services cover:

  • IaC Implementation: Using tools like Terraform and Pulumi to automate infrastructure.
  • Configuration Management: Ensuring environments are consistently configured using Ansible, Puppet, etc.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Building scalable and flexible infrastructure to meet your evolving needs.

Infrastructure as code

Containerization and Orchestration

This is to enable efficient deployment, scaling, and management of applications. We leverage Docker and Kubernetes to optimize your container strategy. Our offerings include:

  • Container Strategy: Developing a comprehensive containerization plan.
  • Kubernetes Implementation: Setting up Kubernetes clusters for orchestration.
  • Microservices Architecture: Designing and implementing microservices for better scalability and maintainability.

Containerization and Orchestration

Observability and Monitoring

We implement comprehensive monitoring solutions to provide insights and ensure proactive issue resolution. Our services include:

  • Monitoring Setup: Configuring monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana to collect and visualize key metrics.
  • Log Management: Implementing centralized log aggregation and analysis using the ELK stack for better visibility in application behavior.
  • Distributed Tracing: Leveraging OpenTelemetry and distributed tracing tools to gain end-to-end visibility into distributed systems.
  • Alerting and Incident Response: Setting up alerting mechanisms and incident response plans to ensure timely resolution of issues.



Our DevSecOps services ensure that security is integrated throughout the entire development lifecycle, from code analysis to secure deployment practices. We help you implement security best practices, automate security checks, and maintain compliance with industry standards.

  • Security Assessment: Conducting thorough security assessments to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance Management: Ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Automated Security Testing: Integrating automated security tools to scan for vulnerabilities continuously.

strategy and roadmap

What our customer say about us


CloudRaft assisted in migrating to the latest versions of Kubernetes and Postgres, while also taking advantage of additional capabilities. The task of managing live infrastructure that is actively used by customers in production requires special attention, and they successfully navigated this challenge. Furthermore, they researched new technologies relevant to our use case and provided valuable recommendations. CloudRaft team was dedicated and professional in delivering the desired outcome, and we highly recommend their services.

Udaya Bhaskar Reddy

Our Partnerships in the Ecosystem


Optimize Your DevOps with CloudRaft

Contact us today to discuss your requirements and learn how our consulting services can help you build most efficient architecture, drive efficiency, site reliability, and scalability for your organization.